TheCGBros Presents “Wildheart“ - A boy, adrift in the city, clings to memories of his former soulmate, yearning for their lost friendship. An animated journey set in a whimsically reimagined Japanese nostalgic era, WILDHEART is a tale of friendship and family. Our short film follows the story of a young protagonist immersed in a vibrant and nostalgic world. This project, a labor of love from our dedicated team, showcases a fusion of unique art styles and storytelling. TEAM: Marceau (Director) Nakayama (Writer) Jennifer Nicolas (Writer) Matteo Paolini (Producer, Cinematographer, Concept Artist) Yuki Nakayama (Sound Designer) Thomas Joyce (Animator) Kari Priester (Graphic Designer) Raphael Busmayer (Graphic Designer) Samuel Amar (Concept Artist) Baptiste Mauger (Concept Artist) Adam Isailovic (Concept Artist) Phuc Dang (Character Modeler) Software Used: Blender; Photoshop —————————————————————————————————————————————————————— ❓❓ Hav
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