😃 Like and Subscribe: A road section destroyed by mudslide in northwest China’s Qinghai Province has been temporarily replaced by a steel bridge and reopened to traffic on Friday evening. A section of the provincial highway 302 in Qilian County, Haibei Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture, was destroyed on Thursday by the mudslide triggered by heavy rains, cutting off traffic on the highway that is an artery in the province. Local road administration authorities immediately assembled and transported a steel bridge to the accident scene as soon as the natural disaster occurred. After clearing up the silt, the steel bridge temporarily replaced the broken section of the highway. The destroyed section reopened to traffic at around 18:00 on Friday. The recovery of traffic on this section has greatly relieved the traffic pressure in the direction to Qilian County and Xining City, reducing the passage time. Currently, Qilian County is smoothly carrying out the flood prevention and rescue work, with the production and life of people not being affected. Local authorities will continuously pay close attention to the changes in water regimes and strengthen their efforts on weather forecasting and early warning, in order to ensure the safety of people’s lives and their property. 中國西北部青海省被泥石流破壞的一段路段已暫時由鋼橋取代,並於週五晚上重新開放。 海北藏族自治州祁連縣302省道周四因暴雨引發的泥石流被毀,切斷了該省高速公路的交通。 自然災害發生後,當地道路管理部門立即集結鋼橋運往事故現場。清理淤泥後,鋼橋臨時替代了公路的斷面。 被毀的路段於週五18:00左右重新通車。該段交通的恢復,極大緩解了往祁連縣和西寧市方向的交通壓力,減少了通行時間。 目前,祁連縣防汛搶險工作進展順利,群眾生產生活未受影響。各地將繼續密切關注水情變化,加強氣象預報預警工作,確保人民群眾生命財產安全。 Mega projects in China 中國的大型項目 China Infrastructure 中國基礎設施 China Speed 中國速度 China Innovation 中國創新 Chinese Technology 中國技術 High speed train 高速火車 Bullet train 子彈頭列車 Fuxing High Speed Rail 復興高鐵 Mega Machines 超級機器 Aerial View 鳥瞰圖 The longest bridge in the world 世界上最長的橋 The tallest bridge in the world 世界上最高的橋樑 The highest bridge in the world 世界最高的橋樑 China Space Exploration 中國太空探索 China Space Station 中國空間站 Xiong’an New Area 雄安新區
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