During the heyday of competition reality shows, The Apprentice seemingly presented an opportunity for up-and-coming businesspeople to work for a thriving organization. These days, it’s impossible to discuss the show without talking about the controversy that surrounded its host, real estate developer and guy-who-did-some-other-stuff Donald Trump, but there were always shady things going on behind the scenes. From the loudmouthed contestants from the early days of the show to the colorful celebrities who competed later on, like Dennis Rodman and Piers Morgan, The Apprentice was never without controversy. Let’s take a look at a few of the disturbing things everyone ignored about NBC’s The Apprentice. #TheApprentice #DonaldTrump #Trump Trump wasn’t calling the shots | 0:00 The setting was a ’scam’ | 1:14 Trump’s off-air comments | 2:56 Contending with a ratings ’monster’ | 5:17 One long advertisement | 6:03 Omarosa’s strategy involved sex | 7:07
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