The Lost City is a 2022 American romantic adventure comedy film directed by Aaron Nee and Adam Nee, who co-wrote the screenplay with Oren Uziel and Dana Fox, from a story conceived by Seth Gordon. The film stars Sandra Bullock and Channing Tatum with Daniel Radcliffe, Da’Vine Joy Randolph, Brad Pitt and Dwayne Johnson in supporting roles. In October 2020, it was announced that Sandra Bullock would star in the film The Lost City of D, with Aaron and Adam Nee directing from a screenplay by Seth Gordon and Dana Fox, with Bullock serving as a producer under her Fortis Films banner, and Paramount Pictures to distribute. In December 2020, Channing Tatum joined the cast of the March 2021, Patti Harrison, Da’Vine Joy Randolph, and Daniel Radcliffe joined the cast of the film In April 2021, Brad Pitt and Oscar Nunez joined the cast of the film, with Pitt appearing in a cameo role. Principal photography began in May 2021 and took place in the Dominican Republic, including Samaná, Sant
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