After receiving a message from the planet of Bakura, Luke and the gang prepare to enter a truce with Galactic Empire in order to stop an invading threat known as the Ssi-ruuk. Meanwhile, Mara Jade begins her quest for vengeance against Skywalker, as she plots with the mysterious information broker, Talon Karrde. As these events unfold, the Imperial Court receives the final order of the late Emperor Palpatine... DIRECTED AND WRITTEN BY LORD KRIT REWRITES BY MELA AND D TYLER FULTZ -STARRING- BRADEN WORTON as Luke Skywalker JACK VICKERS as Han Solo THEA SOLONE as Princess Leia DIANA HELEN as Mara Jade DANIEL HODGE as Talon Karrde ARKHAM as Governor Nereus/Jerec/Admiral Zsinj QUINN FORD as Pter Thanas GEORGIE DONN as Gaeriel Captison SONAM BURKE as Bossk INT-3PO as Mercenary Aves JACK MACK as Pallaeon SHARON GRUNWALD as Grand Admiral Rae Sloane KNICK-KNACK as Admiral Brendol Hux KOTANA as Lando Calrissian RYAN GOLDEN as Emperor Palpatine DOPPELG
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