Timestamps: 1:49 - Dave when you use rotational diet, the days with carbs, how do you know the amount of carbs a person need.? The grams of carbs. 5:45 - Do MCTs have anyplace in a diet? 9:45 - Dave explains why he’s back in the hospital. 16:47 - Why do I take Test Enanthate and blow up? 20:28 - Most overrated fat burning supplement? 23:05 - Dave before you do a keto diet for a bodybuilding prep , should you do a balanced clean bulk (balance meaning , good carbs, good fats, lean protein) so off-season weight doesn’t get out of control? I’m about 185, and probably 10-15 pounds away from my stage weight as a natural bodybuilder. Could I run keto for 12 weeks to get that 10-15 pounds off? 25:27 - Hand numbness and GH. 27:58 - Would any of the former Mr. Olympias (on their best days) win the Olympia today? 31:12 - How long completely off to ‘re-sensitise’ androgen receptors after many years of continuous AAS? 33:00 - Parabolan was discontinued did you ever use the Finaplix pe
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