• Felix the Cat returns to his greatest adventure. The iconic cartoon Felix embarks on a heroic journey to rescue his girlfriend Kitty from the Professor. Players will battle various enemies utilizing cannon balls, flying discs, and other maneuvers to save the day. Come Join Felix on his worldwide search as he flies a monoplane across mountains, delves into the ocean depths in a submarine and races across bizarre landscapes in a wild and whacky one-wheeled car! All provided by the Magic Bag of Tricks! From NES and Game Boy re-released on PlayStation 4/5, Nintendo Switch in 2024. В 1992 году студия Hudson Soft выпустила свою игру Felix the Cat в жанре платформера на 8-битных консолях Nintendo Entertainment System (NES или Dendy). Спустя год игру портировали на Game Boy. Сборник обеих версий был разработан компанией Games ограниченным тиражом и опубликован Konami для Nintendo Switch, PlayStation 5 и PlaySta
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