Title: Riding the Winds of Inspiration: Unveiling the Origins of “Air Supply“ Band names often carry a certain mystique, reflecting the essence and aspirations of the musicians behind the melodies. Among the soft rock legends of the ’70s and ’80s, “Air Supply“ stands out as a name synonymous with heartfelt ballads and melodic harmonies. But how did this iconic Australian duo come to adopt a name that would become synonymous with their musical journey? The genesis of “Air Supply“ as a band name lies within the creative minds of Graham Russell and Russell Hitchcock, the founding members who embarked on a musical partnership that would enchant audiences around the globe. The story begins in the mid-1970s when the duo, driven by their passion for music and a desire to make an indelible mark in the music industry, sought a name that would encapsulate the essence of their musical vision. The inspiration behind the name “Air Supply“ stemmed
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