On May 26, Rob Marshall’s The Little Mermaid brings the animation to life with Halle Bailey as Ariel alongside a stellar cast. While promoting the movie, Awkwafina and Jacob Tremblay, the voices behind two of the original film’s most beloved characters, Scuttle and Flounder, sat down to talk with Collider’s Steve Weintraub. In the live-action The Little Mermaid, Tremblay tells us that “the ocean really comes to life” in Marshall’s vision, from concept art to the final product. They talk about their unique experience doing voiceover, working side-by-side rather than isolated, and how that helped with their performance, their favorite sequences in the new movie, and Awkwafina shares what it felt like to receive the track for her all-new original song, “Scuttlebutt,” by Lin-Manuel Miranda. You can learn about all of this and more in the video, or you can read the full interview in the transcript below. An ambitious live-action reimagining like this one takes an underwater kingdom to capture the mag
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