omg guys its Mondo’s VA 😩😩 If I don’t get Childe Zhongli better come home, along with Jean, Qiqi and Diluc Y’ALL BETTER COME HOME OR I’LL SUE MIHOYO- (that’s a joke, toxic peepa calm tf down and go back into your conch shell) Idek who to wish for I have eight intertwined fates and I just need two more and then I can wish but if I get Childe I can’t pull for Zhongli (´༎ຶོρ༎ຶོ`) AND I WANT GEO DADDY- Oh well looks like Razors aboutta say bye bye to my party- (😭) Imma save up for papa Zhongli cause I’m desperate 😻 ALSO KEITH JUST MEMED-
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