#Kanal13 #likekanal13 #subscribekanal13 #warinukraine - SUBSCRIBE TO US! Russian Z-war correspondent Maxim Kalashnikov revealed the date by which Russian troops were ordered to liberate the Kursk region. The deadlines, apparently, were shifted. The propagandist shared the secret information on September 20 on his Telegram channel. He recorded a video message from Kursk region According to Kalashnikov, the Russian Armed Forces have less than a month left to push Ukrainian forces back across the border. “ Unfortunately, they didn’t take us with them to the “front line“, where the escalation began. It is clear that the task was set to push the Ukrainian Armed Forces out of the Kursk region by October 15 ,“ said the Z-war correspondent. There are serious doubts that the Russian army will be able to carry out its plans. An attempt to launch a counteroffensive near Glushkovo petered out in a few days. The R
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