If you need to change a photo or image, and don’t have the time or money for expensive AI, consider using Fooocus. You can change clothes to virtually anything, with minimal knowledge of AI, stable diffusion, and all of that. You can run Fooocus for free, on any computer, using Fooocus Colab. The steps for changing clothes in Fooocus are: -Start Fooocus, click Input Image. -Choose Inpaint or Outpaint -Click Method and choose Modify Content -Upload the image you want to modify. -Scrub the part of the image you want to change. A specific article of clothing, a specific area, or the entire body. -Under Input Additional Prompt, type what you want to show in the highlighted area. There are no special magic words. Just say what you want to show inside the highlighted area. -Click Advanced next to Input Image. -On the Settings tab, choose Quality. -Specify how many images you want. -You can leave Negative Prompt blank, or type in the names of things you DON’T want to see in the highlighted area. -(Optionally) click the Random check mark so generated images are similar to the original. -(Optionally) change settings on other tabs, if you know Stable Diffusion -Click Generate. Wait for all the images to generate, then cycle through them and use the Download button to download any you want to keep. #aiart #digitalart #stablediffusion #inpainting #fooocus #freeai #clothingchange #fashiontech #aipowered #creativeediting #digitalfashion #stablediffusionfashion #fooocusinpaint #aioutfitchange #virtualdressup #freesoftware #creativeai #diyfashion #imageretouching #digitaltransformation #aiinnovation
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