To learn subjects like this more in depth, go to: -- you can sign up for free! And the first 200 people will get 20% off their annual membership. Enjoy! Citations: Yale research on recording wave collapse, Minev et al: Bouchard et al paper on observing recoherence: Quantum mechanics link to time, Smolin et al: Like this stuff? Join my Patreon: Chapters: 0:00 - What’s the problem? 1:08 - Quantum indeterminism 2:42 - What is superposition? 3:50 - How do we know this is reality? 5:03 - Switch from quantum to classical 6:06 - Quantum decoherence explained 8:52 - Is decoherence really irreversible? 11:26 - Is there a point of no return? 12:18 - How does QM determine time Summary: How does the indeterminate world of quantum mechanics, where the future isn’t fixed, become the classical predictable real world we experience? Q
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