. by Paul Shortino (Theme of Dr. Eggman in Sonic Adventure 2) Lyrics The story begins, with who's gonna win Knowing the danger lies within Aboard the ARK, a genius at heart Wanting to unlock the mysteries of life I am the Eggman, that's what I am I am the Eggman, I got the master plan I am the Eggman, that's what I am I am the Eggman, with the master plan I'm plotting my schemes wherever I go They're perfect in every way I'd love to destroy the blue one you know He's an obstacle who always gets in my way I must play this game by my rules I will conquer the world with my tools All my machines are made for destruction I will build my empire I will succeed, and you will see With my machines, there is no retreat I am the Eggman, that's what I am I am the Eggman, with the master plan I am the Eggman, that's what I am I am the Eggman, I got the master plan I am the enemy
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