The team of The Trial – Pyaar, Kanoon, Dhokha recently got into a candid and fun conversation with Bollywood Bubble. While Kajol had a big confession about her toughest choice to host Nawaz Kochra, she even spoke about professional conversations between her and Ajay Devgn, being a mother to Nysa and Yug for 20 years, and even about her equation with Shah Rukh Khan. Suparn Verma also shared how he was offered to make a film on a Godman, while Jisshu Sengupta shared his elaborate take on infidelity. Well, the trio surely was vibrant enough to put a house on fire, but the interesting things they shared is what made the conversation heartwarming and worthwhile. Watch it here! #Kajol #BollywoodBubble Check out the video to know more. SUBSCRIBE To Bollywood Bubble: Click Here ► Tune into Bollywood Bubble, your one stop destination for all the latest happenings, hot gossips, rumours and exclusive B-Town news... Also, Visit -
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