Wagner Chief Yevgeny Prigozhin, in a letter posted on Telegram, called on Russian Defence Minister Sergei Shoigu to visit Bakhmut. In the letter, Prigozhin described the situation in Bakhmut as “complex” and called on Shoigu to assess the situation. In his letter, Prigozhin also appeared to mock the Russian Defence Minister. Meanwhile, Ukraine’s Defence Ministry confirmed that its forces have advanced up to 2 kms in Bakhmut. Russia is tightening its defences of the Black Sea fleet in the south after it came under several drone attacks recently. Russia said it has increased the technical defences of the fleet’s main base and of the ships’ anchorages. Meanwhile, China’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs said that one of its envoy will be visiting Ukraine to promote peace talks. Beijing said China’s special representative of Eurasian affairs Li Hui will visit Ukraine next week. Watch this video to know what’s latest in the Ukraine-Russia conflict. #Ukraine #Russia #Prigozhin #Shoigu #BlackSea #NATO #Putin #Zele
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