Anant Ambani and Radhika Merchant are now officially man and wife, and the wedding of the year was filled with unforgettable moments. The celebration featured the adorable entry of “Desi Girl“ Priyanka Chopra and her “Videshi Jiju,“ Nick Jonas. Shah Rukh Khan was seen touching Amitabh Bachchan and Jaya’s feet, while also greeting Rajinikanth and Sachin Tendulkar. Master Blaster Sachin made a heartfelt gesture by touching Amitabh’s feet at the ceremony. Notably, the couple Khushi Kapoor and Vedang were spotted cheering for Ananya Panday on stage. Take a look at the video... #anantambaniradhikamerchantwedding #anantambani #srk #bigb #janhvikapoor #amitabhbachchan #ramdev #radhikamerchant Find More Of Our Content On Social Media: Facebook: Twitter: Instagram:
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