Ben Stein (interviewer): “What do you think is the possibility that intelligent design might turn out to be the answer to some issues in genetics or in Darwinian evolution?“ Richard Dawkins: “And I suppose it’s possible that you might find evidence for that if you look at the details of biochemistry, molecular biology, you might find a signature of some sort of Designer. And that Designer could well be a higher intelligence from elsewhere in the universe.“ Dr Isaiah Rubinstein: “OK, listen carefully. In the year 1986, when most of you hadn’t been born yet I was already a doctor and a scientist in the Weizmann Institute of Science. I researched the DNA mainly of mice, monkeys and Humans – 18,000 tissues of liver, kidneys, muscles and even a Human eye, I inspected them under a microscope. For your information, the optic microscope can magnify up to 10,000 times. The digital microscope, on the other hand, can enlarge up to 1 million times! You really enter inside the cell. A digital microscope is not the regular one you are familiar with, it’s basically a huge computer, you are looking through a screen and communicating with the software. Is that clear to everyone? This is science, not religion! So I communicated with this software, and I asked the software, “What is the force that holds the DNA attached?” The software responded that sometimes there is a sulphuric bridge, which makes sure the DNA stays attached. Then I asked the million dollar question, listen carefully, I asked the software, “When does the bridge appear?” The software answer was that there are four nucleic acids which are the basis of the DNA chain: A, T, C & G. These are the acids which make up the DNA chain, that’s a scientific fact! And the sulphuric bridge appears in the following manner: every ten acids there was a bridge, every five acids a bridge, every six acids a bridge – and again every five acids were a bridge. I was shocked! A sulphuric bridge that keeps the DNA attached. I was amazed. Who can tell me the meaning of 10-5-6-5? This is the numerical digit of Y-H-W-H (the name for God in the Hebrew Bible: YHWH ie. יְהֹוָה). Our Heavenly Father is in our DNA. Like a Rembrandt with a signature at the bottom of His artwork, God tell us, “I made you”. Our Heavenly Father signed His name in every cell of our body. I think I discovered God.“ Editor: Look up the protein, laminin, which holds all cells together. Look up the work of Ivan Panin, the multilinguist and mathematician who found YHWH coded throughout the bible and other biblical coding which was practically mathematically impossible and occurs nowhere else in literature. Calculate the mathematical possibility of the hundreds of detailed predictions prophesied in the bible, coming to pass exactly as they were foretold, hundreds of years later. בן שטיין: “מה לדעתך האפשרות שתכנון חכם עשוי להתגלות כתשובה לכמה נושאים בגנטיקה או באבולוציה הדרווינית?“ ריצ’רד דוקינס: “ואני מניח שייתכן שתמצא ראיות לכך אם תסתכל על הפרטים של ביוכימיה, ביולוגיה מולקולרית, אתה עלול למצוא חתימה של מעצב כלשהו. והמעצב הזה יכול בהחלט להיות אינטליגנציה גבוהה יותר ממקומות אחרים בעולם.“ ד“ר ישעיה רובינשטיין: “בסדר, הקשיב היטב. בשנת 1986, כשרובך עדיין לא נולדת, הייתי כבר רופא ומדען במכון ויצמן למדע. חקרתי את ה- DNA בעיקר של עכברים, קופים. ובני אדם - 18,000 רקמות של כבד, כליות, שרירים ואפילו עין אנושית, בדקתי אותם במיקרוסקופ. לידיעתך, המיקרוסקופ האופטי יכול להתרחב עד פי 10,000. המיקרוסקופ הדיגיטלי, לעומת זאת, יכול להגדיל עד מיליון פעם! אתה באמת נכנס לתא. מיקרוסקופ דיגיטלי הוא לא הרגיל שאתה מכיר, זה בעצם מחשב ענק, אתה מסתכל דרך מסך ומתקשר עם התוכנה. האם זה ברור לכולם? זה האם מדע, לא דת! אז התקשרתי עם תוכנה זו ושאלתי את התוכנה, “מה הכוח שמחזיק את ה- DNA המצורף?“ התוכנה הגיבה שלפעמים יש גשר גופרית, ש
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