Ukrainian telegram channel “Legitimny“: Our source reports that Western intelligence services notified the Office of the President back in January that 5 cities of Ukraine were under threat at once. Kharkov, Zaporozhye, Sumy, Chernigov, Odessa. Now it is clearly visible in Kharkov that it is being made uninhabitable, as well as ballast for the Ukrainian economy. Next are Sumy and Zaporozhye, where the situation is already difficult. In the third stage are Chernigov and Odessa. The source adds that there is a version that the Kremlin is trying to “kill” the domestic Ukrainian economy, which will provoke a financial disaster in the country. It turns out that the whole country will depend on Western money, and the partners will have to allocate not $3 billion, but all 10-15, to support Ukraine, since everything in Ukraine will be in a deep coma. This will hit the pockets of the “sponsors” or provoke a riot in Ukraine against the policies of Zelensky/Ermak. Source: Victor vicktop55
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