In this captivating video titled “This is Her First Round Mouse Figure Carving Challenge,“ join Ms. Kajiwara, a skilled artisan from Mie Prefecture, as she embarks on a remarkable journey of craftsmanship. As a member of the “Tokowaka“ group, she represents a community of young craftsmen who strive to preserve traditional Japanese art forms and pay homage to the sacred Ise Jingu Shrine. Witness Ms. Kajiwara's first-ever attempt at carving a round mouse figure, a challenging task that requires conveying an expression of perpetual happiness. With guidance from her master, Mr. Nakagawa, she meticulously sculpts a boxwood sphere, shaping it into an adorable mouse with lifelike fur and features. Experience the intense focus and skill required to create the mouse's expressive eyes using a black inner wood called “Hego.“ With unwavering determination, Ms. Kajiwara overcomes the challenges, and her finished masterpiece faithfully reproduces the tiny creature down to its finest details. Throughout the video, Ms. Kajiwara's passion for Ise Netsuke shines through as she proudly wears her creation, promoting the art form she cherishes. Witness her heartfelt journey, where Ise Netsuke not only became her livelihood but also a source of new friendships and opportunities. Join her as she opens the door to a future filled with artistic growth, relentless pursuit of dreams, and a commitment to preserving the cultural heritage of Ise Jingu Shrine. With its enthralling portrayal of an artisan's dedication and artistic journey, this video will captivate art enthusiasts, craft lovers, and those interested in Japanese cultural heritage. Experience the joy and challenges of Ms. Kajiwara's first-round mouse figure carving challenge and witness the beauty of Ise Netsuke come to life.#NetsukeCarving #TraditionalJapaneseArt #CraftsmanshipChallenge #TokowakaArtisans #IseJinguShrine #WoodSculpting #TraditionalWoodworking #JapaneseHeritage #ArtisticExpression #culturalpreservation Kajiura Asuka Blog: Facebook: Instagram: Twitter: ► Exhibition / Showcase Ise Netsuke museum 1358-1, Ueji-cho, Ise Mie Prefecture 516-0051 Tel/Fax: 81-596-25-5988 Experience netsuke making: You can make a pendant with Asama boxwood. ► Please Support my Friend's Channel That is Linked to My Videos: ► Purchase Boxwood Combs on Amazon: - Boxwood Comb (3 Size) (6.7 inches): - Boxwood Comb Brush 3Lines brush:
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