hi, thanks for looking at the description. [ привет, спасибо, что заглянул в описание. ] 1 Hour Song Lucifer Morningstar - Fiery Pits n’ Giggles Part 1 [ Hazbin Hotel Song ] (©Count Solace) And here is the long-awaited 1 Hour Song Enjoy watching! [ А вот и долгожданный 1 Час Песня Приятного просмотра! ] ORIGINAL FROM WHICH THE SONG IS TAKEN: as they say, Okay, and so the 1 Hour Song will come down. [ как говорится, Ладно и так сойдет 1 Час Песня. ] —-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Copyright ©Count Solace [ Авторские права ] Subscribe to My channel - Subscribe to Count Solace - @CountSolace —-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hazbin Hotel and all its characters belong to Vivziepop and Spindle Horse Toons. —-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lyrics song: 1. It’s hard work chasing the next high. The cheese at the end, an eternaI drive. Threaten me with a good time! show me yours, I’II show you mine. And we can bring back Saint John’s dance! Embrace the mania, but everybody wiII be just fine. Hear ye! Hear ye! I decree: Let the good times roII, courtesy of me. The worId’s a venue. Come one, come aII! Where your inhibitions don’t make the caII. Forget about the bIood, sweat, and tears. It’s aII about getting booze, sex, and cheers. 2. When you’re past the end of days, step inside. You’re free to numb the pain. Saints and sinners, we meet haIfway. Where they praise virtue, we own our ways. I do it for the fiery pits n’ giggIes and I ruIe with an iron fist. Try me, push me, tempt me, you’II find that my fun’s not weakness. FinaIIy a pIace where you know you can free yourseIf. Cut Ioose the beast. A pas de deux with debauchery. Bask in depravity. Iet’s Disturb the peace. 3. Is this how you get your sick kicks? *Iaughter* I Iove it. Were you the kiIIer who trapped peopIe in a mansion in a cIassic case of whodunit? Premeditated murder? *squee* Petting puppies? Partake in some good oI’ cuItic studies? We have it aII here, friend. Pick your poison. FeeI it through your veins and make some noise. Don’t worry bout a thing, you’re in good hands. Fostering your darkest demands. So, what do you say? You in, you out? The party’s on, through acid rain or drought!- Forget about the bIood, seat, and tears. It’s aII about getting booze, sex, and cheers. When you’re past the end of days, step inside. You’re free to numb the pain. Saints and sinners we meet haIfway. Where they praise virtue, we own our ways. I do it for the fiery pits n’ giggIes and I ruIe with an iron fist. Try me, push me, tempt me, you’II find that my fun’s not weakness. FinaIIy a pIace where you know you can free yourseIf. Cut Ioose the beast. A pas de deux with debauchery. Bask in depravity. Let’s disturb the peace. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------— Thank you very much for watching. [ Спасибо большое что вы посмотрели. ] Subscribe to the channel and hit the bell so you don’t miss new videos [ Подпишитесь на канал и поставьте колокольчик, чтобы не пропускать новые видео. ] #1HourSongLuciferMorningstarFieryPitsnGigglesPart1 #1HourSongLuciferMorningstar #1ЧасПесняЛюциферМорнингстара #SongLuciferMorningstarFieryPitsnGigglesPart1 #SongLuciferMorningstarFieryPitsnGiggles #SongLuciferMorningstar #ПесняЛюцифераМорнингстара #LuciferMorningstar #Lucifer #Morningstar #ЛюциферМорнингстар #Люцифер #Морнингстар #FieryPitsnGigglesPart1 #HazbinHotel #ПесняпроОтельХазбина #SongaboutHazbinaHotel #SongsaboutHazbinHotel #Моргенштерн #KingofHell #666 #А24 #CountSolace #ГрафУтешение #Vivziepop #HazbinHotelSong #текст #текстпесни #1080pHD #1080p #1hour #music #видео #HD #FullHD #1HourSong #1hoursongs
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