⭐️SEWING THE FIBC LINER AND THE DISCHARGE SPOUT⭐️ 📌FIBC liners, one of the essential parts, are added to a jumbo bag to store fine powder, granular, or food powder products. 📌There are many different types of Poly liners depending on the needs of customers such as tubular liner, form-fit liner, baffle liner, suspended liner, etc. Each type of liner has different features, however, for filling top and discharge bottom bulk bags, the form-fit liner is the most chosen. The reason is understandable because the liner has a similar shape to the inside of the jumbo bag, therefore, it will be easy to load and unload the goods out of the bag. 📌FIBC manufacturers will usually attach the liner to the jumbo bag with glass tape. However, customers can completely request to sew the filling and discharge spout of big bags and liner together. As a result, customers will have durable packaging that ensures hygiene and prevent product leakage. == ⭐ᥧ
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