#tamil #diodechecking #diode A diode is a two terminal electrical device. Diodes are made from a semiconductor, most often silicon but sometimes germanium. There are various types of diodes, but the ones being discussed here are Zener, Rectifier, Schottky, Transient Voltage Suppressor, Thyristor, Silicon Controlled Rectifier, and TRIAC. The select gate of the transistor is pulsed “on” causing a large drain current flow. The high voltage on the gate connection attracts electrons that penetrate the thin gate oxide and are stored on the floating gate. EPROMs can be erased by exposing it to a strong ultraviolet light source, meaning they can be rewritten many times (unlike PROMs). EPROMs are not suitable for storing information that will change frequently because the chip will need to be removed from the device it is in in order to be reprogrammed. #diodeintamil For Training purpose please call us mb: 9444180072 / 9841925321
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