A prehistoric epic that follows a young mammoth hunter’s journey through uncharted territory to secure the future of his tribe. Genre: Action | Adventure | Drama Directed by, Roland Emmerich Produced by, Roland Emmerich Mark Gordon Michael Wimer Written by, Roland Emmerich Harald Kloser Narrated by, Omar Sharif Starring, Steven Strait Camilla Belle Cliff Curtis Joel Virgel Nathanael Baring Affif Ben Badra Marco Khan Tim Barlow Music by, Harald Kloser Thomas Wander Cinematography, Ueli Steiger Editing by, Alexander Berner Studio, Legendary Pictures Centropolis Entertainment Distributed by, Warner Bros. Pictures Release date(s), March 7, 2008 Running time, 109 minutes Country, United States Language, English Budget, $105 million Box office, $269,784,201
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