In this film, we will tell you the life story of 96-year-old grandmother Hanna and her 65-year-old son Mykhailo, who live their days in the mountainous, very picturesque village of Brustura, Zakarpattia region, Ukraine. They live together, son Mykhailo does everything around the house, plants a garden, takes care of animals, cleans the yard. Mykhailo became a disabled person after an accident. 10 years ago Mykhailo and his boys were loading hay onto a car, he was on top and tripped and fell to the ground with his head and became disabled. However, Mykhailo himself does not give up and lives with his mother, he is a support and a support for her every day. Anna loves and worries about her son immensely, giving him all her attention and care. Hanna's daughter does not maintain relations with her mother, some of her adult granddaughters have not even been seen by her grandmother. This story is a testament to how people can live and support each other and find solace in simple things and nature.
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