Les ondes émises par nos appareils électriques ont-elles un impact sur notre santé ? Retrouvez-moi en direct sur Twitch : Le discord pour être tenue au courant des lives : Sommaire : - le champ électromagnétique - les équations de Maxwell - les ondes électromagnétiques - émetteur radio et antenne - le spectre électromagnétique, infrarouges, micro-ondes - fréquence et longueur d’onde - intensité et amplitude du signal - effets thermiques - normes sanitaires fixées par l’agence nationale des fréquences - émissions des appareils : téléphone, micro-onde, bluetooth, box wifi - risques de tumeurs - incidence du cancer du cerveau - troubles du sommeil, dommages ADN, stress oxydatif, perturbations hormonales - l’hypothèse des canaux ioniques - l’électrosensibilité ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- La conférence d’Yves le Dréan sur l’impact sanitaire des ondes : ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Crédits musicaux : Metal Gear Solid Among Us ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Si vous voulez soutenir la chaîne, la page Tipeee est ici : La page Instagram : La page Facebook : La page Twitter : Mes chaînes secondaires : - Réussir ses Études Scientifiques - Sciences Physiques ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sources : [1] [2] Sadetzki et al., « Cellular Phone Use and Risk of Benign and Malignant Parotid Gland Tumors — A Nationwide Case-Control Study » [3] IARC CLASSIFIES RADIOFREQUENCY ELECTROMAGNETIC FIELDS AS POSSIBLY CARCINOGENIC TO HUMANS [4] Brain tumour risk in relation to mobile telephone use: results of the INTERPHONE international case–control study [5] Mobile phone use and brain tumours in the CERENAT case-control study [6] Pulsed radio-frequency electromagnetic fields: dose-dependent effects on sleep, the sleep EEG and cognitive performance [7] Long-term exposure to electromagnetic radiation from mobile phones and Wi-Fi devices decreases plasma prolactin, progesterone, and estrogen levels but increases uterine oxidative stress in pregnant rats and their offspring [8] Immunohistopathologic demonstration of deleterious effects on growing rat testes of radiofrequency waves emitted from conventional Wi-Fi devices (12)00054-X/fulltext [9] Use of laptop computers connected to internet through Wi-Fi decreases human sperm motility and increases sperm DNA fragmentation (11)02678-1/fulltext [10] Wi-Fi ( GHz)- and Mobile Phone (900 and 1800 MHz)-Induced Risks on Oxidative Stress and Elements in Kidney and Testis of Rats During Pregnancy and the Development of Offspring [11] Cell phone use and behavioural problems in young children [12] Melatonin modulates wireless ( GHz)-induced oxidative injury through TRPM2 and voltage gated Ca(2 ) channels in brain and dorsal root ganglion in rat [13] Investigation of the effects of distance from sources on apoptosis, oxidative stress and cytosolic calcium accumulation via TRPV1 channels induced by mobile phones and Wi-Fi in breast cancer cells [14] [15] Effects of radiation emitted by WCDMA mobile phones on electromagnetic hypersensitive subjects [16] Effects of short-term radiation emitted by WCDMA mobile phones on teenagers and adults
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