**Title: Unraveling the Mysteries: The Origin and History of Marvel’s Epoch** In the vast expanse of the Marvel Universe, amidst cosmic wonders and celestial beings, there exists a character shrouded in mystery and enigma – Epoch. Let’s embark on a journey to uncover the origins and delve into the intriguing history of this captivating Marvel entity. Epoch made her first appearance in “Quasar“ Vol. 1, #26 in 1991, created by writer Mark Gruenwald and artist Greg Capullo. As the daughter of Eon, the cosmic entity tasked with safeguarding the universe, Epoch inherited immense power and a crucial responsibility – to oversee the evolution of sentient life forms across the cosmos. As a cosmic entity, Epoch possesses vast cosmic awareness and the ability to manipulate time and space. Her role extends beyond mere observation; she actively intervenes in pivotal moments to guide the progression of civilizations and ensure cosmic balance. Throughout her appearances in Marve
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