Buy a shirt: _________________ Heavy makes for a great pocket due to his high health, but contrary to popular belief, it is actually bad to ubercharge him. Heavy is slow moving and slow to attack, making him waste most of your ubercharge just getting into position. He’s also terrible at pushing against large defensive walls because of his damage falloff and reduced minigun damage to sentries above level 1. Instead, uber soldiers, demomen, pyros, and scouts. Demomen and Soldiers deal high, widespread damage that wrecks buildings and players, making them the best ubercharge patients. Pyro and Scout can go on killing sprees when they don’t have to worry about taking damage, and scout will even boost your speed to match his, making them excellent choices as well. At best, Heavy can be ubered to save his life, or for area denial, but not much else. The kritzkrieg is a better option for heavy since crits negate damage falloff. ►Twitch: ►Twitter: ►Merch: ►Discord: __________ “Team Service Announcement“ is a series where the common mistakes and unused strategies of new and inexperienced players are blown out of proportion and explained in an attempt to help those who make them, as well as make my life less horrible. If you know someone who’s new to the game, is in need of some pointers, or just want to spread the message, share the videos and help improve the community. If you’re a frustrated player who would like something addressed, or a new player who would like something explained, leave it in the comments section, and maybe I’ll animate it. __________ Music: Valve - Medic! Homestar Runner - Smells Like Peanut Action Homestar Runner - Original Bubs #tf2 #sfm #animation
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