⭐️ X700 Mutility For a long time, the X Series has represented Cort’s strong ambition to push the limits of conventional electric guitars, resulting in extraordinary instruments that often become the new standard of extreme guitars. With the introduction the new multi-utilitarian X700 Mutility, Cort is pushing the limits even further with modern features like roasted maple neck and fretboard with ” – 25.5” multi-scale frets, Luminlay markers on side of the neck and fretboard, a new improved body contour, and Fishman® Fluence Modern Humbucker set with 2 voice-select option. The X700 Mutility is sure to astonish and please guitar players that seek ultimate versatility and playability in a stylish package. ⭐️ KX507 Multi Scale KX500MS, the first ever multi-scale guitar developed by Cort in 2018, was praised and loved by hardcore fans and extreme guitarists all over the world. Now it’s back with modern updates and a new name, the KX507 Multi Scale. This seven-string b
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