Subtitled in English and Finnish. ⭐️ Enjoy this interview with Petri Lindroos, the guitarist/vocalist from Ensiferum, x-Norther, Warmen and Satanic North. Petri Lindroos has done 5 albums and over a dozen sessions at Astia-studio with platinum-selling producer/engineer Anssi Kippo. To celebrate 30 years of Astia-studio you are welcome to join a trip down memory lane with Ensiferum and x-Norther guitarist/vocalist Petri Lindroos as he shares memories from both the studio sessions and live shows with Anssi Kippo. Learn interesting details about the making of Ensiferum albums One Man Army and Two Paths, Norther albums Mirror of Madness and Death Unlimited, along with how Alexi Laiho and Children of Bodom have affected Petri’s musical journey. Today Petri is sharing the stage also with Janne Wirman, the keyboard-virtuoso from Children of Bodom by joining the Warmen band as the guitar playing lead vocalist. Anssi Kippo has worked with Petri Lindroos at Astia-studio from 2002 to 2017 and mixed FOH sound on Norther live shows from early 2000’s until Petri’s departure in 2009 including 2006 mini tour in Japan and Taiwan along with numerous shows and tours in Finland and all over Europe. BLOG POSTS THAT INCLUDE PETRI LINDROOS: The Coolest Tuning Tip Ever! Better Vocal Recording, pt. 2 Vinyl Records And How To Improve Enjoying Music How Ensiferum Ended Up Recording Two Paths on Tape, pt. 1 ABOUT ANSSI KIPPO: Anssi Kippo is a music producer, sound engineer and founder of Astia-studio, a full analogue world-class recording studio located in Finland. Over the years he has produced over a dozen gold and platinum-selling releases along with three albums for Children Of Bodom and two for Ensiferum among countless others. ABOUT ASTIA-STUDIO: Full-analog Astia-studio is on a mission to bring back the energy and emotion to music with over 30 years of recording experience. Most Astia-studio clients are rock and metal bands from all over the world. Some have travelled all the way from USA and Vladivostok, Russia almost km to Lappeenranta, Finland. ASTIA-STUDIO ON INSTAGRAM: ASTIA-STUDIO ON FACEBOOK: HERE IS WHAT WE’LL COVER IN THIS VIDEO: 00:00 Introduction 03:24 Norther albums & live shows 22:08 Ensiferum One Man Army & Two Paths 43:37 Alexi Laiho & Children of Bodom 53:15 Warmen & learning the COB songs 1:01:10 Important tip 1:13:03 Memorabilia #PetriLindroos #Ensiferum #Norther #OneManArmy #DeathUnlimited Photos that appear on this video were take by Anssi Kippo and the members of both Norther and Ensiferum. Photo credit of Norther @ Nosturi: Toni Salminen. Photo credit of Netta Skog: Markus Toivonen. Photo credit of Hautaustoimisto, group shouts Nosturi rehearsal place: Tuomo Puustinen. Photo credit of Petri & Kride at Astia-studio living room: Jani Vesslin. Photo credit of Petri & Kristian on stage in Taiwan: Jesse Liu. Most sincere thanks to Petri Lindroos, Toni Paananen, Tarja Ruotsalainen and Sirpa Ruotsalainen-Niskanen. © Astia-studio 2024
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