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✨Resent, Reject, Regret By Aqua Summers Synopsis✨ Even the coldest heart would soon grow warm if she kept holding on to it. That was what she believed. That was why she became his unloved placeholder of a wife. Unfortunately, all her devotion only led to a heartless divorce. “She’s awake now,” he told her. “Step down and step away, you miserable knock-off.” Then, he left. When he came back, it was because he needed her to do something only an impostor could do: go to jail for his dream girl’s crime. Deirdre McKinnon was condemned to perdition. She lost her baby before it was born. She lost her face to violence. She lost the ability to see. It was two months of a hell-like nightmare. At last, something died inside her heart. Two years later, she found herself another man, but when Brendan Brighthall met her by pure happenstance, a new feeling was born in his heart: jealousy. There were no means too terrible, no scheme too underhanded—not if it meant he’d possess Deirdre’s heart again. And yet, she simply refused to love him anymore. “What do you want me to do, Deirdre McKinnon?! What must I do to go back to the good old days?” His eyes turned red. “I’ll give you everything I have!” “You gave me a copper trinket two years ago. It was a sorry excuse for a wedding ring, and yet I cared for it as though it was the most precious jewel in the world… “But now? Nothing you can give would be even remotely worthwhile. Not even you.” 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥 💫Click On The Link Below To Read Free Book💫 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥 ✅ ▶ About ♥✨NovelBob✨♥ We provide latest novels with chapters. Chapters are updated on daily basis. You can read chapters with your own reading settings with darkmode/light mode. We know how it is disgusting to read chapters with annoying ads. We provide our users novels without anoying ads, So their reading experience gets better. Read cool novels and make sure to share it with your friends. Thanks Happy Reading❣🙏 #resent #reject #regret #resentrejectregretnovel #resentrejectregret #resentrejectregretmovie #resentrejectregretnovelfree #resentrejectregretnovelaquasummers #resentrejectregretchapter16 #resentrejectregretchapter15 #resentrejectregretbyaquasummers #resentrejectregretchapter620 #resentrejectregretbuenovela #regretand #resentrejectregretandguilt #resent #reject #regretbook #resentrejectregretnovel #resentrejectregretnovelfree #resentrejectregretnovelbyaquasummers #resentrejectregretnovelaquasummers #regretbookand #resent #reject #regretpdfdownload #resentrejectregretpdfdownload #resentrejectregretpdfdownloadfree #regretpdfdownloadand #resentrejectregretpdfdownloadandroid #resent #reject #regretbyaquasummers #resentrejectregretbyaquasummers #resentrejectregretnovelbyaquasummers #resentrejectregretnovelaquasummers #regretbyaquasummersand

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