“Man's Fate” by Andre Malraux is a novel set in 1927 in Shanghai, China, during the Chinese Civil War. The story revolves around a group of political activists and their interactions with one another as they attempt to make a difference in the world. The main character is a Communist named Chen, who has arrived in Shanghai from Moscow with the aim of assassinating a Nationalist general. Chen is aided in his mission by a group of idealistic young people who are willing to risk their lives for their cause. Along the way, the characters grapple with questions of morality, idealism, and the nature of revolution. Ultimately, the novel ends in tragedy, as the characters' dreams of revolution are crushed by the forces of history. The novel is widely regarded as a masterpiece of 20th-century literature, and it explores themes that are still relevant today, such as the relationship between violence and politics, the nature of sacrifice, and the limits of idealism.
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