In this video series, Seki Sensei, an 8th Dan Iaido master with 40 years of experience in Musō Shiden Ryu, will introduce the fascinating Kata trained in this Ryuha. He will explain in detail the assumed situation of the battle and the points you must be careful of when you perform it. This is the perfect video for all Musō Shiden Ryu trainees and anyone interested in Iaido to deepen their knowledge about the techniques. After watching, if you’re interested in learning these Kata from Seki Sensei and I, Let’s ask Shogo, please check out our online lessons. However, please understand that there are many different versions of the Kata of Musō Shiden Ryu, and what we introduce in this video is what Seki Sensei has learned from his father. It is not the absolute way of performing the techniques, and we have no intention of denying other versions. ▼Join the Online Iaido Training with Seki Sensei▼
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