Version 3 of the ESP32-TV boards turned up at the start of the month from and I've been testing them out. The good news is - they work! Everything is behaving as expected and the new stuff on the board is also working. But I'm still not completely satisfied. I think there's room for version 4 - what do you think? 0:00 It works! 2:50 We have a microphone! 4:46 SD Card Performance 9:24 I'm still not satisified 10:13 Some Unexpected Inspiration 13:23 Bonus Content! The schematics are here: Use at your own risk! --- If you'd like to help support the channel and help me buy more nonsense - I have a Patreon page: We've also got a shop now! And if you're shopping on AliExpress or Amazon then if you click on these links I will get a little bit of affiliate money: Aliexpress - Amazon - You can also join us on Discord here: There's also the Atomic14 newsletter here: And don't forget about the MakerNews newsletter -
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