The anime adaptation of Undead Unluck by Yoshifumi Totsuka, the popular manga currently serialized in the Weekly Shonen Jump (SHUEISHA), is here! Debuting in 2020, it placed #1 in the comics category of the “Next Coming Manga Award“ the same year! Experience the battles between those with special abilities called “Negators“ in this epic tale of pure chaos. An unlucky girl meets an undead guy! When the duo negated by the world meet, a new adventure begins. The adaptation of the unpredictable battle manga, is coming in 2023!! SUBSCRIBE: About TMS Entertainment: By maintaining a balance of creativity and business production, TMS Entertainment provides a one-stop shop for services from IP creation to consumer satisfaction improvement, centered around its animation production, licensing, and content businesses. TMS Entertainment has continuously produced much-loved anime titles in Japan, including “LUPIN THE 3rd,“ “Anpanman,“ and “Detective Conan” while connecting its library of over 12,000 episodes across a total of 420 titles to its global business. Follow us ☆ About TMS ☆
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