Title: 라이프 / Life Genre: Medical Episodes: 16 (To Be Confirmed) Broadcast network: jTBC Broadcast period: 2018-July-23 to 2018-Sep-11 Air time: Monday & Tuesday 23:00 Synopsis This drama tell the story of the power struggles in a hospital. Ye Jin Woo (Lee Dong Wook) is a doctor in the emergency medical center at Sangkook University Hospital. Meanwhile, Goo Seung Hyo (Cho Seung Woo) is the president at Sangkook University Hospital. One is a warm heart doctor but another one is cool heart president. Cast Main Cast Lee Dong Wook as Ye Jin Woo Cho Seung Woo as Goo Seung Hyo Won Jin Ah as Lee Noh Eul Yoo Jae Myung as Joo Kyung Moon Moon So Ri as Oh Se Hwa Supporting Cast Moon Sung Geun as Kim Tae Sang Lee Kyu Hyung as Ye Sun Woo Chun Ho Jin as Lee Bo Hoon Yum Hye Ran as Kang Kyung Ah Kim Won Hae as Lee Dong Soo Tae In Ho as Sun Woo Chang Uhm Hyo Sup as Lee Sang Yup Choi Kwang Il as Jang
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