I bought a bunch of 486 CPUs on eBay and discovered some very interesting behavior from two of them. These CPUs are not at all what they appear to be. Join me as I take a closer look at these two chips and discover what they are really capable of! ** My Blog: Follow me on Twitter: Mastodon: @vswitchzero If you enjoy my channel, please consider supporting me on Patreon. My patrons will get some perks like early access to my videos, exclusive content, some behind the scenes looks into my upcoming projects and more! My Patreon Page: ** 00:00 Introduction 00:14 The AMD DX4/100 01:04 The AMD DX2/66 01:32 Revealing the DX4's Secrets 05:35 Overclocking the DX4 06:02 Revealing the DX2's Secrets 07:47 Overclocking the DX2 09:33 Conclusion
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