“Keep The Flame“ z gościnnym udziałem Johna Connora z Dog Eat Dog to trzeci klip promujący debiutancka plyte zespołu Terrify pt. Side Effect Ujęcia w klipie są z dwóch rodzimych miast obu zespołów czyli z Krakowa oraz Waszyngtonu ! Płytę “Side Effect“ można zamówić pod linkiem : “Keep The Flame“ featuring John Connor from Dog Eat Dog is third clip promoting the debut album of the band Terrify entitled „Side Effect”. Shots in the clip are from two home cities of both bands, Krakow and Washington! The “Side Effect“ album can be ordered at the link: John Connor - Voc. Plash - Voc. Jaroz - Drums Just-In - Guitar Filus - Bass Mix & Master & Recording - Maciej Dzikiewicz “Waiting Room Studio“ 2023 - Hard Core Tattoo Records Video by Back To The Future Videos Video shoot by Jan Rusin, Joanna Chudyba, Adam Kozłowski Edit by Back To The Future Videos Love 4 all our Terrifamily ! HARD CORE TATTOO,DONS,NHS,INTRUZ,SHIZMA,CB,USD,BC24,RECORDS DILLAZ,ZOOTEKA AND ALL TERRIULTRAS !
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