Subscribe here: Milan Uhrík (NI). – Vážená pani predsedajúca, chcem sa spýtať, či túto európsku smernicu na znižovanie emisií videl vôbec nejaký technik alebo ju píšu len mimovládni aktivisti a úradníci, pretože ten tlak na nezmyselné znižovanie emisií pod hranicu fyzikálne možných možností by odsúdil každý technicky vzdelaný človek. Ja len pripomínam, že Európska únia produkuje len 8 % celosvetových emisií CO2, pričom v týchto 8 % len 13 % pochádza z automobilového priemyslu. To znamená, že ak nezačne emisie znižovať celý svet, priatelia, tak Európa to jednoducho nezachráni. Hovoríte, že od 2035 by mal byť zakázaný predaj áut so spaľovacím motorom v Európe a že ľudia si majú povinne kupovať len elektromobily. Ale ja sa pýtam, odkiaľ tí ľudia zoberú peniaze na tie drahé elektromobily? Koľko bude stáť elektrina, keď už teraz jej je nedostatok? Hovoríte, že treba znížiť závislosť od ropy. Dobre, ale vzniká nám tu závislosť od lítia, ktoré je potrebné na výrobu batérií pre elektromobily. A už teraz ázijské spoločnosti hovoria, že ak Európa chce lítium, tak nám ho nepredajú a namiesto toho nám predajú celé hotové elektromobily. Čo by znamenalo zánik automobilového priemyslu v Európe. Ja som za prechod na elektromobilitu, ale musí byť prirodzený, premyslený a hlavne ekonomicky výhodný aj pre samotných ľudí. Parliament approved the new CO2 emissions reduction targets for new passenger cars and light commercial vehicles, part of the “Fit for 55” package. With 340 votes in favour, 279 against and 21 abstentions, MEPs endorsed the deal reached with the Council on revised CO2 emission performance standards for new cars and vans in line with the EU’s increased climate ambition. The new legislation sets the path towards zero CO2 emissions for new passenger cars and light commercial vehicles in 2035 (an EU fleet-wide target to reduce CO2 emissions produced by new cars and vans by 100% compared to 2021). Intermediate emissions reduction targets for 2030 are set at 55% for cars and 50% for vans. Other key measures foreseen by the regulation: The Commission will present by 2025 a methodology to assess and report data on CO2 emissions throughout the full life-cycle of cars and vans sold on the EU market, accompanied by legislative proposals where appropriate; By December 2026, the Commission will monitor the gap between the emission limit values and the real-world fuel and energy consumption data, report on a methodology for adjusting the manufacturers’ specific CO2 emissions, and propose appropriate follow-up measures; Manufacturers responsible for small production volumes in a calendar year (1 000 to 10 000 new cars or 1 000 to 22 000 new vans) may be granted a derogation until the end of 2035 (those registering fewer than 1 000 new vehicles per year continue to be exempt); The current zero- and low- emission vehicles (ZLEV) incentive mechanism, which rewards manufacturers that sell more such vehicles (with emissions from zero to 50g CO2/km, such as electric vehicles and well-performing plug-in hybrids) with lower CO2 emission reduction targets, will be adapted to meet expected sales trends. From 2025 to 2029, the ZLEV benchmark is set at 25% for the sales of new cars, and 17% for new vans, and as of 2030 the incentive will be removed; Every two years, starting from the end of 2025, the Commission will publish a report to evaluate the progress towards zero-emission road mobility. Stay connected with us! Facebook: Twitter: Instagram: #eudebates the unique initiative aiming to promote debate, dialogue, knowledge, participation and communication among citizens. #CAR #LEZ #emissions #climatechange #émissions #climate #climatecrisis #weather #debates #UNclimatechange #COP27 #COP26 #Climate #LIFE #Environment #UNGA #Biodiversity #SustainableInvestment #Summit #TAX #cars #Hybrid #EmissionFree #EUGreenDeal #InvestmentPlan #EuropeanGreenDeal #GreenDeal
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