Putin has launched a bizarre manhunt for a Ukrainian OnlyFans model three years after she went topless in Moscow's Red Square. A video of Lolita Bogdanova, 24, flashing her chest at the historic site has surfaced amid the mad dictator's apparent crackdown on debauchery. The footage was uploaded in 2021, before the war with Ukraine, but reports say Lolita - aka Lola Bunny - was today put on the Kremlin’s international wanted list. The move by the Russian Interior Ministry was revealed by loyalist media outlet Readovka. Continue reading... The Sun delivers breaking news, latest gossip and incredible exclusives around the world with hubs in London, New York, Scotland and Ireland. Covering topics from news, money and sport along with our famous Fabulous Magazine, The Sun is the biggest news brand in the UK and one of the fastest growing news sites in the US. Stay tuned for video
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