Naomi Watts' Balenciaga look at the 2024 Met Gala. Actress Naomi Watts attended the 2024 Met Gala in a custom Balenciaga Tablecloth Couture Dress, which was upcycled from a black lace garment embroidered with jet beads and sequins. The bustier dress, made of a floral crochet tablecloth measuring 2.1 meters in length and 1.5 meters in diameter, was a reinterpretation of Look 63 from Summer 24. The padded stola worn over the dress is made of black double satin, with an exaggerated filling that sculpts the overall look. For the stola, sustainability is essential, with a conscious choice to use an eco-friendly filling instead of feathers. This choice aligns with Balenciaga's modern ethics while maintaining the gown's timeless elegance. Made of jet beads and sequins stacked in an irregular manner around the tablecloth’s cut-outs, the embroidery was hand-rendered by the Paris-based Atelier Montex, a venture founded in 1949 with a unique savoir-faire regarding high fashion embroideries. The gown features lace that is delicately intertwined with sequins, jet beads, and black crystals. These all mirror the vintage tablecloth's complex pattern. Each element contributes to a richly textured surface, and each recalls Cristóbal Balenciaga's Spanish heritage. Over 600 hours of meticulous embroidery brought this vision to life. The overall styling nods to Look 135 from Cristóbal Balenciaga’s 1961 Spring/Summer collection, and it also nods to the party’s dress code: The Garden of Time.
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