Originally released in 2010, Josh Madsen’s The Freeheel Life 2 explores the full time line of the Telemark history, from its roots in Norway and subsequent reemergence in the United States in 1970s to its modern manifestations. The film features appearances from legendary veterans Tom Carter and Doug Robinson, in addition to a number of forward thinking freeheelers including Candy Froerer, Weston Deutschlander and Ty Dayberry. Shot on location in Norway, Utah, Alaska and California, Hippies, Punx and Misfits takes a broader approach to the Telemarking experience than its predecessor, The Freeheel Life. Starring: Weston Deutschlander Shaun Raskin Ty Dayberry Zeph Hallowell Conor Davis JT Robinson Candy Froerer Alex Paul Dave Magoffin Jon Gurry Ben Geiger Music: Cameron Rafati Blackhounds The Wolfs Band of Annuals Mason Jones & The Get Togethers Josh Madsen
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