This isn’t a Led Zeppelin BBC recording, but it almost is, because it was recorded by the exact same BBC team that recorded the band’s BBC concerts around this time period. However, instead of recording for the radio, that team was privately contracted to record the audio and video of this concert with the intention of making a live album and/or movie. But there were problems with recording several songs, as I’ll detail below, so that didn’t work well for a live album. And by the time the band got serious about making a movie a couple of years later, they decided this footage was too old to be used. However, when the band put out a DVD of film footage in 2003, they included all the full songs from the concert they had, but with some cuts, and none of the banter between songs. Due to that background, this is one of the best sounding Led Zeppelin live recordings, period. In fact, it sounds so good that two songs from the 1982 studio album “Coda,“ “We’re Gonna Groove&quo
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