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🎬 👉欢迎订阅 🌸🌸《唐宫夜宴》后,端午《洛神水赋》节目彻底火出圈。三分钟的表演延续文化 科技的方式,全程没有流量明星,但却惊艳全网。作品以曹植《洛神赋》中的“洛河神女”为蓝本,同时借鉴敦煌飞天壁画,利用现代影像技术,给观众展现了“宛若游龙,翩若惊鸿”的梦幻神话,带来心灵震撼的同时,也刺激了对传统文化的探索:许多人衍生出对《洛神赋》,对敦煌飞天,乃至对传统舞曲文化的兴趣。 After “Tang Palace Night Banquet“, the Dragon Boat Festival “Luoshen Shui Fu“ program was completely out of the circle. The three-minute performance continues the culture technology approach. There are no traffic stars in the whole process, but it is amazing for the entire network. The work is based on the “Luohe Goddess“ in Cao Zhi’s “Luo Shen Fu“ as a blueprint, and at the same time draws on Dunhuang Feitian murals and uses modern video technology to show the audience the dreamy myth of “like a flying dragon, like a flying dragon“, which brings shock to the heart. At the same time, it also stimulates the exploration of traditional culture: many people have derived interest in “Luo Shen Fu“, Dunhuang Feitian, and even traditional dance music culture. Click to watch more Chinese content 点击观看更多中文内容 🌸🌸中国节日系列一览 Chinese festival series 🍬📺 👉 ▶️🍭2021河南卫视春晚HenanTV Spring Festival Gala : ▶️🍭2021元宵奇妙夜Lantern Festival Wonderful Night : ▶️🍭2021清明奇妙游Qingming Wonderful Tour: ▶️🍭2021端午奇妙游Dragon Boat Festival: ▶️🍭2021七夕奇妙游Qixi Wonderful Tour: ▶️🍭2021中秋奇妙游Mid-Autumn Wonderful Tour: ▶️🍭2021重阳奇妙游Chongyang Wonderful Tour: ▶️🍭 2022河南卫视春晚HenanTV Spring Festival Gala: ▶️🍭 2022元宵奇妙游Lantern Festival Wonderful Night: ▶️🍭 2022清明奇妙游Qingming Wonderful Tour : ▶️🍭2022端午奇妙游Dragon Boat Festival: ▶️🍭2022七夕奇妙游Qixi Wonderful Tour: ▶️🍭 《舞千年》Dancing Millennium : 💖 精彩剧集💖🎈🎈 ▶️🍭《超越 ChaoYue》李庚希 胡军 沙溢: ▶️🍭《两个人的世界 Love in ShangHai》王珞丹 郭京飞: 💖 动画片💖🎈🎈 ▶️🍭《大禹治水》 ▶️🍭《天天成长记》 ▶️🍭《梦娃》 ▶️🍭《百鸟朝凤》 💖经典纪录片💖🎈🎈 ▶️🍭《中国节日》 ▶️🍭《流动的中国》 ▶️🍭《过年》 ▶️🍭《看中国·魅力吉林》 ▶️🍭《看中国·魅力山西》 ▶️🍭《中国文房四宝》 ▶️🍭《看中国·魅力山西》 ▶️🍭《薪火相传-中国非物质文化遗产》 ▶️🍭《百年光影 薪火相传》

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