Shōrin-ryū lineage through Shimabuku Tatsuo Sensei. Chuden kata is a dōjō kata created by Nakamine Kojun. “Chuden“ is the same as “Nakamine“ just a different pronunciation. This video was taken January 1994 at Nakamine Kojun and Nagahama Soichi’s dōjō, in Gushikawa, Okinawa. This dōjō was started by Kaneshi Eiko, Shigema Genyu and Kaneshiro Kenji. They were all students of Shimabuku Tatsuo Sensei when Tatsuo Sensei called what he taught was Shōrin-ryū karate. This was before Shimabuku Tatsuo Sensei created Isshin-ryū karate. Kaneshi Eiko, Shigema Genyu and Kaneshiro Kenji broke away from Shimabuku Kichiro, Tatsuo Sensei’s Number-one son when he took over from his father. They continued to teach Shōrin-ryū karate since that was what they were taught by Shimabuku Tatsuo Sensei. The three of them opened a karate club dōjō and Kaneshi Eiko was made Koncho of the dōjō. Later Nakamine Kojun, Nagahama Soichi and Miyagi Atsushi took over the dojo and Nakamine Kojun became Koncho of the dōjō.
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