This mv focuses on the bromance between troubled student Park Ji Hoon (Yeo Joon) hailing from an abusive, yet wealthy family and the struggling Bae In Hyuk (Nam Soo Hyun). Joon immediately recognizes someone who has no interest in his money but his attempts at friendship are useless until he can overcome Soo-Hyun’s emotional barriers. This coming of age story about young people in their twenties and the problems they face in university. Nam Soo Hyun and Yeo Joon, two boys with contrasting personalities, unexpectedly become friends when they work on a project together. Depicts the realistic worries and conflicts of university students in their 20’s, centered around 1st-year student Yeo Joon. Even though Yeo Joon has an attractive appearance and comes from a wealthy background, he carries pain inside. His character is a puppy-dog freshman who takes a liking to a sunbae and follows him around, leading to an unlikely friendship between two very different boys. (MyDramaList) #baeinhyuk
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