Fate/strange Fake is a Japanese light novel series in Type-Moon's Fate franchise, written by Ryōgo Narita and illustrated by Morii Shizuki. The series is set in Las Vegas, Nevada, and follows the story of a group of magi and their Servants who are summoned to participate in a Holy Grail War. However, this Holy Grail War is different from the others, as it is not being orchestrated by the Einzbern family or the Mage's Association. Instead, it is being organized by a mysterious individual known as the Faker. Subscribe for more anime content Thank you so much for watching my YouTube channel! I truly appreciate your support and am grateful for every view, like, and comment. Creating high-quality videos is important to me, and I hope that you have enjoyed watching them as much as I have enjoyed making them. Your support means the world to me, and I am so grateful for each and every one of you. Thank you again for watching, and I look forward to bringing you more content in the future!
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