The mutiny is in full swing. The seagulls hover On our brigantine we hung three men Because of gold three lives are now over But not enough. The yard had space for ten. Catch fair winds with your tanned skin and sails Don’t hesitate. There are no friendly ships Well, fortune is a myth. But myth prevails In minds of those who chose this path of risk Two filthy scoundrels point to the captain Let’s get him. He’s a man he’s not a God But captain is a wise old-timer pirate He throws all the trophies overboard Catch fair winds with your tanned skin and sails Don’t hesitate. There are no friendly ships Well, fortune is a myth. But myth prevails In minds of those who chose this path of risk Behold the wave like cemetery soil The gold is buried in the deepest sea. Throw overboard whatever blood might spoil. Like captain did. If you prefer to live Catch fair winds with your tanned skin and sails Don’t hesitate. There are no friendly
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