CHEAP AND SMART TRICKS Want to save more money on entertainment but monthly expense consumes all your income? Or just tired of uncontrolled monthly spending? Luckily, we know a lot of ways to get some cash back into your pockets by doing a few simple things around the house. Check out a lot of organization hacks that you can create using items from the dollar store! You have a lot of broken things that you want to throw away? It's better to repair them and give them the second life! Find out a lot of ways how to repair things by your own hands. Can’t you live without your smartphone even in the bathroom? No problem! You can take your gadgets to the bathroom with you. Watch our video and find out how to protect your tablet and smartphone from damp properly. Upgrade your shower curtain and make waterproof pockets! Now you can enjoy your favorite YouTube show in the shower! If your curling iron is way too dirty use our recipe to clean it: heat it for 1 minute, then
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