In this new era of television, one series that was ahead of its time in comedy, and unjustly fell to the wayside over a decade ago, is making a triumphant and celebrated return. From Starz and the original writer, John Enbom, Party Down is making its comeback with a very long-awaited Season 3. Reuniting nearly all the original lineup — an ensemble cast of now-well-known faces — fans get to pick back up with Adam Scott’s Henry Pollard and friends thirteen years after we left off. We’re talking Ken Marino, Jane Lynch, Ryan Hansen, Megan Mullally, and Martin Starr, whose most recent roles include Paramount ’s Tulsa King, Guillermo del Toro’s Cabinet of Curiosities on Netflix, and Spider-Man: No Way Home. Like its genius premise so many years ago, Season 3 takes us back to the Party Down catering service. Most of the crew have moved on from parties, save Ron Donald (Marino) who’s now living on a prayer and out of the van, and Roman (Starr). Yet, circumstances and fates have aligned, bringing divorced Henry
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